Network Services
NOECA is the educational Internet Service Provider for its partner districts, providing access to the Internet in much the same manner as AT&T, Buckeye TeleSsystems or Time Warner and other commercial ISPs provide access for business and residential customers. Appropriate security and filtering measures are maintained to protect consortium and district owned systems and information. Access to the Internet from within the NOECA network is filtered to provide safe and educationally appropriate content as required by CIPA (the Children's Internet Protection Act). NOECA processed over 275 million email messages during the year, including those for the 18 districts operating their own email servers and the 38 districts, nonpublic, charter and ESCs that use NOECA’s mDaemon email services. As technology changes NOECA's Network Department will always strive to provide the best in support and services.
Software Available for Purchase through NOECA

Phone System Pricing